About fund

The founder of the State Specialized Financial Institution "State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction" (hereinafter – the SFYH) is the state represented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (01008, Kyiv, 12/2 Hrushevsky Str.; the founder's share in the authorized capital constitutes 100%). The authorized governing body of the SFYH is the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.

The governing bodies of the SFYH are the Supervisory Board and the Board.

The Supervisory Board of the SFYH oversees its activities and the performance of its tasks.

The SFYH is a legal entity with its own balance sheet, bank accounts, a seal with the image of the coat of arms of Ukraine and its name.

Overseeing the SFYH's activities as a financial institution is carried out by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (concerning property management activities for financing construction objects and/or real estate transactions).

The goal of the SFYH is to facilitate the implementation of the state housing policy.

The SFYH has a network of branches through which it ensures the implementation of state and local programs for the construction and purchase of housing.

The list of regional branches of the SFYH.

The SFYH is a unique tool of the state housing policy, which implements various state support mechanisms for citizens desiring to get their own housing.

Currently, the SFYH implements a program of lending to young citizens at the expense of their own funds (at an interest rate of 7% per annum), a program of lending to internally displaced persons (IDPs), participants of the Anti-Terrorist Operation/Joint Forces Operation (ATO/JFO) for the purchase of housing (at 3% per annum), as well as a program of lending to IDPs at the expense of Government grant funds of Germany provided through the KfW Development Bank (at 3% per annum). The SFYH is the executing agency of local housing programs in all regions of Ukraine.

In addition, the SFYH maintains contracts for previously issued loans under programs that are currently not financed from the state budget: loan contracts for providing long-term soft loans to young families and single young citizens; agreements on the provision of partial compensation of the interest rate on commercial bank loans granted for the construction or purchase of housing; agreements on reducing the cost of mortgage loans to provide affordable housing for citizens who are in need to improve living conditions; loan agreements with condominiums and enterprises working in the field of housing and communal services.

Code according to EDRPOU: 20033504

State registration date: 21.11.1994

Record date: 14.09.2005

Record number: 1 070 120 0000 012412

The location of the State Specialized Financial Institution "State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction":

Territory code according to COATSU – 8038900000;

Address: 03037, Kyiv, Solomianskyi District, 2a Kryvonosa Street.

The list of financial services provided by the SFYH:

- lending funds, including on the terms of a financial loan;

- property management for the financing of construction objects and/or real estate transactions, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Financial and Credit Mechanisms and Property Management during House Building and Real Estate Operations".

Information on the ownership structure of the SFYH

Mechanisms for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services:

Regarding the possibility and procedure of out-of-court review of complaints of consumers of financial services, the SFYH reviews consumer appeals in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals." The contact information of the SFYH is indicated in the "Contacts" section of this website.

According to Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Service Markets," the bodies that carry out state regulation of financial services markets and their designated officials supervise compliance with the legislation on the protection of the rights of the consumers of financial services, as well as ensure the implementation of state policy on the protection of the rights of the consumers of financial services within the limits of their competence, defined by law, in the manner established by the normative legal acts of such bodies, in particular, when considering appeals filed by the consumers of financial services.

Contact information of the body that carries out state regulation regarding the activities of the SFYH in the field of financial services:

National Bank of Ukraine

For correspondence: 9, Instytutska St., 01601 Kyiv

For submission of written appeals of citizens: 11-b Instytutska St., 01601, Kyiv

For electronic application:nbu@bank.gov.ua

Website: https://bank.gov.ua/

Website: Additional information to comply with the requirements of part 1, 2 of Art. 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Service Markets."